In A Drunken Stupor

I left the inhibitions behind,

surfing on the restless mind,

far from temperance, I escape

to an unsettled dreamscape,

where the trembling trellis of reality

blends with the form and duality 

of grotesque fantasy and terror.

In Hypnos’ cave, where Error

joins in lavish feast with Desire

on servings of hope and despair,

and once the gluttons satiate,

they are inept to differentiate

between misery and mirth,

how much each is worth.

They fawn over pain,

and repulsed by thoughts sane. 

But the heavy drops of fugue ease

the heartache and gloom cease.

But no faint sunlight do I see,

nor the slithering chains set me free,

for bound I am to Fate

and I walk to her with steps sedate.

Dawn hides from this ceaseless night,

dimmed are the stars that were alight.

No map or compass to guide

yet, robbed of sight, I must stride,

as one more night I mark

through a chain of endless dark.

So, drink I must few drops of trance,

if I can or have a chance,

to trundle through this haunting shade

towards the place where I must fade.

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Abhijit Chatterjee

Lazy armchair philosopher and the occassional poet.