Strolling Through A Street

Through the dusty yellowed street

A stream of bubbling life flowed,

I, a lonely droplet, wandered in need

Of rest and fare with spirits endowed.

By choice or by obstinate chance,

Few lamps are doused and few lambent,

Like orange flames transfixed in trance,

Their flickering eyes watchful and lucent.

Cobbled and trampled, the street knows

Many a futile wish and fertile dreams,

The sighs and tears of despair's throes,

And buffeted hopes torn at the seams.

But a furtive glance, a nod, a wink

Cross balconies in wireless exchange.

As flaneurs stream by in a blink,

Troubadours flow in chaotic melange.

The thin street stitches through

Many clouded tears and sunlit smiles,

A weary droplet, I bid adieu,

And set forth for untrod miles.

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Abhijit Chatterjee

Lazy armchair philosopher and the occassional poet.