The Empty Hall of Mind

These tired eyes once opened to find

An empty hall, a vacant mind.

A hall hollowed and stripped of life,

A space where gloomy silence thrive.

The fatigued eyes wandered around,

In hope of life but none it found.

Only sunlight of harsh afternoon,

None to whisper, no one to croon,

Nor brisk rhythm of a familiar gait,

A flawless heartbreak by heart’s inmate,

No fluttering breath or faint whisper,

Echoed the halls, as lights flicker

And signal the dawning of the night,

When bats and nightmares take flight.

Am I to pass this bridge of dark

And on this journey I embark?

Or a perfect time to fly away

Nor toil in life’s endless sway?

Or bear the gusts and gales of loss

As time wraps the wounds with moss,

As these thoughts on my mind impose,

Swift sleep did kiss mine two eyes close.

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Abhijit Chatterjee

Lazy armchair philosopher and the occassional poet.